M. CAMPINI; L. EPIS.Stress and Control Techniques for Cave Divers Activity (…) Leia mais |
M. DAY.Sandstone Caves in Wisconsin (…) Leia mais |
M. GARAŠIĆ.New Speleohydrogeological Research of Crveno jezero (Red Lake) near Imotski in Dinaric Karst Area (Croatia, Europe) – International speleodiving expedition “Crveno jezero 98” (…) Leia mais |
M. GARAŠIĆ.The Longest and the Deepest Caves in Croatia (…) Leia mais |
M. GKIONI.La reconstitution de la préhistoire grecque à travers les trouvailles archéologiques des grottes (…) Leia mais |
M. GRADZINSKI.Polish caving 1997-2000 (…) Leia mais |
M. GRADZIÒSKI.Role of bacteria in the growth of cave pearls (…) Leia mais |
M. GRADZIÒSKI; H. HERCMAN; T. NOWICKI; P. BELLA.Dark coloured laminae within speleothems as an indicator of the prehistoric man activity:Case study from Domica cave (Slovakia), preliminary results (…) Leia mais |
M. KNEZ; T. SLABE.Unroofing of a cave system – an example from Classical Karst (…) Leia mais |
M. KUHTA; A. NOVOSEL.Hydrogeology and Cave Explorations of the Lost River Dobra; A Case Study of Underground Flow in the Dinaric Karst (…) Leia mais |